日本財団 図書館


(2)Injury to or death of any person, or damage to or destruction of, any object caused by aircraft;
(3)Death or disappearance of any person on board the aircraft;
(4)Collision with other aircraft;
(5)Other accidents relating to aircraft as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


2. The pilot-in-command shall, when he has learnt that any accident specified in the item (1) of the preceding paragraph has occurred to any other aircraft, report such to the Minister of Transport (but not when he has learnt of such an incident through radio telegraph or radio telecommunication) as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


3. The pilot-in-command shall, when he has directly learnt during flight that a malfunction of any of the air navigational aids or other situations which are deemed to affect the safe operation of aircraft as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, have occurred (but not when he has learnt of such incidents through other sources), report such to the Minister of Transport as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


Article 76-(2). The pilot-in-command shall, when he has recognised during flight that there was the danger of collision or a near-miss with regards to another aircraft, report such to the Minister of Transport as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


(Aircraft Dispatcher)
Article 77. No aircraft used for a scheduled air transport service shall be started or its flight plan altered unless the pilot-in-command has obtained prior approval from an aircraft dispatcher provided by the scheduled air carrier under Article 102, paragraph 1.


Article 78. An aircraft dispatcher under the preceding Article shall be a person who has passed a competence test for an aircraft dispatcher, which is administered by the Minister of Transport.


2. A competence test for an aircraft dispatcher will be executed to determine whether or not an applicant possesses such knowledge and competence in relation to aircraft, air navigational aids, radio communications and meteorology as is necessary for performing his duties under the preceding paragraph.


3. No person shall be eligible for a competence test for an aircraft dispatcher unless he is of such age and has such experience in relation to the operation of aircraft as may be specified by the Minister of Transport.





